Sunday, October 25, 2009

Final Crit is coming!!

Salam..this tuesday at 530pm will be the time for my design final crit..huhu..quite excited n nervous at the same time..but more excited this time around..manage to finish early one of my a0 panel n theres 2 more to go..okay..wish me luck!! wsalam

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya..=)

Ucapan tulus ikhlas dari penulis blog...Semoga kita jgn lupe pose 6 yeh..hehe

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kisah Che Mat si pemotong rumput

Setelah sekian lama menanti..malam yang ditunggu-tunggu telah tiba..Hati Che Mat berdegup kencang..tekaknye berasa sangat kering...segala keyakinan yang ada hilang ditiup angin...aahhh...Aku msti kuatkan semangat tekad che mat...walau apepun terjadi..untuk yg terbaik atau buruk...inilah detiknya...pintu diketuk kencang...

Che mat merenung tajam mata Rogayah...direnung dalam-dalam.."i nk bgtau sumthing" mula che mat..

Che mat mula berkata-kata...Tiba-tiba mata rogayah bergenang dengan air mata..che mat tersentak..."nape nh?"..."oh...xde pape" balas rogayah pantas.."i cme terkejut je..i xtau nk ckp ape"...che mat teruskn lg ucapannye..mata rogayah bergenang lg..

Che mat keluar dari rumah rogayah..hatinya berkecamuk..berbagai2 perasaan timbul...lega...malu..takut...beribu2 emosi merempuh masuk ke dlm ruang hati che mat...Tapi apa yg pasti che mat rasa tenang...setelah sekian lama...bebannya berjaya diluahkan...

Berdiri di luar apartmen Rogayah, Che Mat pantas menelefon Tumiran, kawan baiknya untuk mmberitahu apa yg telah berlaku sebentar td…”aku dh ckp ape yang terbuku di hati aku selama ini” bisik Che Mat…”Betul ke bro? Tahniah” ucap Tumiran dengan begitu bersemangat..Che Mat memutuskn talian kerana die hendak berangkat pulang ke rumah..Perasaan Che Mat masih berkecamuk…rasa sayu mula menyelinap ke dalam lubuk sanubarinya..

Che mat mencapai basikalnye...hari telah hujan...che mat mula mengayuh pulang dr rumah rogayah...

Tiba-tiba tanpa disedari...manik2 jernih mulai mengalir dari mata che mat...tanpa dapat ditahan lagi che mat mulai teresak-esak...che mat kaku...Dia tak pernah menitiskan air mata kerana perempuan sebelum ini..biarpun hatinya telah berkali-kali remuk..Terasa begitu kerdil sekali dirinya ketika itu...betapa lemah dan tak berguna skeali dirasai ketika itu...Sambil mengayuh che mat berdoa...

"Ya Allah...bantula hambamu ini...sesungguhnya aku amat lemah dan tak berupaya...ya Allah kuatkn diriku ini...tetapkan imanku Ya Allah..che mat mengalunkn bacaan2 Al-Quran yg tersemat di hati utk menenangkn jiwanya...che mat masih terus terusan menangis...hatinya sayu...sayu amat..Ya Allah...kalau benarlah ini yg terbaik utk ku..Kau makbulkanla doa hambaMu ini...Ya Allah..ak berserah kepadamu...ak telah berusaha yg sbaiknye..jika benar dialah jodohku...kau satukanla kami..."

Che mat terus mengayuh jauh ke dalam keheningan malam…

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Something that made me ponder...

I heard something that totally put stuff into perspective for me...

Kata sahabat(bff):

kau tak nk pgg tangan die ke?(xbek dowh pgg2 tgn..haha)

kau tak nk celeb bday sama2 ngan die ke? just 2 of u

kau tak nk amik2 gamba ngan die ke?

kau tak nk tlg die masak2 ke?

kau tak nk date ngan die ke?

kau tak nk dgr die nangis kt ko kalau die ad prob ke?

Nak...ak nak....ak nak sume tuh....aku nak die jadi sebahagian dari hidup aku...tapi aku takut...aku taknak pisang berbuah tiga kali...aku tak sanggup untuk melalui lagi fasa hidup yg menyedihkn...tapi ak juga nak bahagia...sape yg xnak kn?...owh sesungguhnya hidup ini begitu rumit..

p/s: malu seyh tulis mende nh...hahahha...but its true....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Reminiscing about life... feel that you go through a lot of hardship in life...

yeah...maybe you felt that you go through a couple of them that seem too much..

but always matter how bleak and hopeless the situation seems..

everything happens for a reason...

If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient?

If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous?

If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?

And now i think that god is giving me an opportunity to be a better be better at everything...

I hope I would not let the opportunity slip this time

Wish me all the best...=)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Doa Jodoh

Assalamualaikum sume...setelah lame menyepi ingin sy berkongsi satu karya yg benar2 menarik hati sy utk berkongsi dgn sume...Semoga mende nh boleh menolong or mengingatkn kite semua...Oh ya...Selamat Berpuasa dan memanfaatkn 10mlm terakhir di bln ramadhan kareem ini..=)

Ya Allah
seandainya telah Engkau catatkan
Dia milikku tercipta untukku
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan diantara kami
Agar kemesraan itu abadi

Dan Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku Yang Maha Mengasihi
Seiringkanlah kami melayari hidup ini
Ketepiaan yang sejahtera dan abadi

Tetapi Ya Allah
Seandainya Engaku telah takdirkan
Dia bukan milikku
Bawalah ia jauh dr pandanganku
Luputkanlah ia dari ingatanku
Dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan

Serta Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku Yang Maha Mengerti
Berikanlah aku kekuatan
Melontar bayangannya jauh ke dada langit
Hilang bersama senja nan merah
Agarku bisa bahagia
Walaupun tanpa bersama dengannya

Dan Ya Allah Yang Tercinta
Gantikanlah yang telah hilang
Tumbuhkanlah kembali yang telah patah
Walaupun tidak sama dengan dirinya

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku
Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdirmu
Sesungguhnya apa yang telah Engkau takdirkan
Adalah yang terbaik buatku
Kerana Engkau Maha Mengetahui
Segala yang terbaik buat hambamu ini

Ya Allah
Cukuplah Engkau sahaja yang menjadi pemeliharaku
Didunia dan akhirat
Dengarlah rintihan dari hambaMu yang daif ini
Jangan biarkan aku sendirian
Didunia ini maupun di akhirat
Menjuruskan aku kearah kemaksiatan dan kemungkaran
Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang beriman
Agar aku dan dia sama-sama dapat membina kesejahteraan hidup
Ke jalan yang Engkau redhai
Dan kurniakanlah aku keturunan yang soleh

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Am I four years too late?

i've thinking about that alot...hurm...well thats life..hurmm...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jatuh ditimpa tangga...

begitulah alkisahnya diri aku hari ini...setelah pulang dari membanting tulang di Lazzat..aku bergegas ke depan komputer ku...dengan penuh semangat aku menekan suis untuk menghidupkn PCku...berkali-kali ku menekan tetapi skrin definisi tinggi 22inci ku masih gelap..kaku tanpa sebarang kerlipan dari output kad grafik ati hd4850 ku..."WTF???" jerit hati kecilku sambil meronta-ronta...kenapa ini terjadi pada diriku..ketika hari cuti musim dinginku..baru semalam ak menginstall game yang diwar-warkan sebagai game terulung tika ini iaitu "Crysis Warhead"...tapi hari ini komputerku pula kiok tanpa sebarang amaran..aku ralat dengan keadaan ini...ak merasa seperti ingin menerajang pakcik tua didepan rumahku..aku ingin mengkarate kepala pemandu teksi yang selalu kurang ajar dijalan raya..ahhh..berbagai2 emosi mengisi ruang hatiku ini...panas hatiku..panas sekali..panas sehingga kedinginan musim salju yang mencecah 8 darjah selsius gagal menyejukkan hatiku...namun...setelah puas ak menyumpah seranah cpu ku, kad grafik, ram, microsoft vista, power supply, pekerja dinkums, pakcik depan rumah dan sebagainya...aku akur dengan kejadian ini...aku akur dengan kegoblokan yang melanda diri aku malam ini...aduhh..bala apa ini...lantas aku meminta bantuan che yum...bukan cik mariam...tetapi nazif atau cheyum name gelarannya...dengan bantuan jejaka berkepala seperti fesyen orang red indian apache ini..degan sistematik punca masalah cuba dikenalpasti...akhirnya dua komponen yang mungkin menjadi dalang disebalik segala kepincangan ini berjaya dikantoikan dengan jaya...aduhhh...nampak gayanya aku perlu mengorak langkah, menekan pedal atau memulas handel skuterku menuju ke MSY di North Melbourne...begitulah coretanku hari ini...inilah kisah aku sekeping roti...ehh...kisah akula...meran..huhu...sekian sahaja kawan2..wassalam

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Free at last!! =)

Alhamdulillah at last my semester has ended today after i submitted my design folio...although its late by a day..huhu...cuakkkk...neways really glad that its over..=)...looking forward for the winter break to unwind and just relax before the whole madness that is the fourth year to start again..isk3...really2 wanna have a holiday..planning of going snowboarding in the near future...actually i dont care if im going to the zoo as long as im going somewhere..hehehe...owh theres also the Confederation Cup to look forward to..The games till today was awesome..especially Brazil vs Egypt...ok peeps..going to watch some long overdue movies..=)..i leave you guys with a clip of Leighton Meester from Gossip girl..never knew she could sing..unique style as well..+ she's gorgeous..hehe..owh speaking of Blair Waldorf..i have to find somebody that have Gossip Girl season 2..have to catch up with all the series i missed..okay enjoy the song..bye2

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kenduri Kawin anak bos ak..=)

Assalamualaikum...howya goin i just wanna share with you guys my experience going to a "kenduri kahwin" here in Melbourne. Actually this is the second one that i attended during my duration here in aussie. The ceremony is for Nisa, my bosses's(abg munir & kak ros) daughter. She is 21years old..huhu..They are my boss at Lazzat, the restaurant i worked part time at Lygon St. I felt soo happy for them because their eldest daughter is all grown up and being somebody's wife already..the joy of parenthood i must say..=))..i wish "Selamat Pengantin Baru & Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu"...=) are some of the pics i manage to snap...nothing much..hahahaha...should have properly taken the photos but we were busy eating..the food were delicious!!! even the kuih muih and the cupcakes!! haha..till then..bye2 peeps

Pics of Aisa, abg munir, nayyir, kucai and me with the happy couple..=))

Aiman...the guy next in line to wed..hahaha..his elder sister already married

Here is the venue of the kenduri kahwin "Tullamarine Public Hall"..lupela nak amik the interior was really like Malaysia u know..bunga manggar n everything..=) im holding the delicious cupcake!!

Me!! hahahaha..still holding the delicious cupcake =)

Monday, June 8, 2009

OMG...its tuesday the 9th of June already at 530pm my final crit examination will commence...huhu...hope i have everything ready by that time...pray for me yaa...hoping to end this semester with a bang..huhu...okay need to take my second red bull for the night..still heaps to do..=)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Terminator Salvation

Salam...yesterday the 7 of us(me,kucai,nayyir,cepol,cik yam,shah n ijat) went to watch terminator salvation. We went for the midnite session. I was very excited to watch this movie and also to just have a break from my work in preparing for my design final examination this tuesday.

Well after the movie finished i can only say one thing....Dissappointed...isk3...this movie can be sooo much more but instead there is soo many plotholes and inconsistencies it just make me angry..haha..well cant really expect much from a terminator franchise actually...but the leading guy was christian bale so i kinda expected more from this guy..he is a very good actor..excellent..anyhow i reckon this one is better than the abomination that is Terminator 3...the action scenes were awesome no doubt about it but like i said the plots and pace can be much better...and the future kinda look a bit like transformers background...lots of sands...not really showing the desperation of the human race that is being exterminated by the machine...if you compare the future of humans in the matrix trilogy you can see how bleak the future is..the sky is always dark because of the aftermath of the nuclear war and i said earlier this movie can be much better...For me the best movie this winter season is still Star was AWESOME!!! planning to watch it again and IMAX after the semester is over...

Okay thats all for my short update...have to continue doing my presentation panels..isk3...this 2 weeks will be crazyy...arghhh...wish me luck...To all my friends that will sit for their final exams this coming weeks...GOOD LUCK!!! ALL THE BEST....InsyaAllah semoga kite berjaya ngan cemerlang semester nih..wassalam

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Doll Domination Concert 2009 feat Lady Gaga

Assalamualaikum...sorry for not updating my blog for a while..been really busy with the final presentations and submissions..Here is an update that happens in May but just updated. Dedicated to a certain kuli batak who is busting his ass working as an RA at USM....saudara izal..silakan..haha

I went to Pussycats Dolls concert on the 27th of May at Rod Laver Arena. I managed to get a good ticket, Standing front so we're really close to the stage and watch their hotness much closer..muahaha

Firstly Lady Gaga performed her hit singles "Just Dance", Love game, pokerface etc...i luv all her songs...good music..hehe..weird costumes as always

Next is the Pussycat Dolls!!! yearghh

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Prof prac 1 finished!!

Salam...finished my professional practice 1 today with a project submission and also an exam..hope ill do fine..hehe..been quite busy..slept at 6am last nite because our group was busy finishing up the submission..been watching house season 5 like crazy today..just wanna unwind for today...still have urbanism and design to look forward to...haish..have to bear with them for a little while my family is in hong kong holidaying...sigh...i wish i am with them at this moment...miss them terribly...but i know they will have a blast!! =)...and i already ordered mummy for a tshirt from disneyland..hehe..okay gonna continue watching house..till then..stay safe.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Assalamualaikum...WOOAHHH..hehe..thats the first word that came out of my mouth when i saw these bikes..well actually there are of the same model..Yamaha FZ1...all i can say is its god damn sexyy..its called a naked bike because of all the exposed engine just following my instincts as a rider..although my "ride" is just the cute and dependable Bolwell Jolie 50 cc...hehe...but a man can dream aye..hehe..droooollss..=)..i like the last one...good color combination...awek cair maa klau usha..haha..okay thats all for my entry..wassalam

p/s: done this post while having a break from doing Professional Practice...aiya i wish im riding this bike instead..hehe

Well this is my ride...Bolwell Jolie 50cc..not actually my ride but same model n color..ill update the pics later..well at least it has the name "Jolie" in its own right..haha

Sadly not this Jolie....Brad Pitt you lucky bastard!!..=p

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May Madness

Assalamualaikum...sorry for the cheesy title as i do not have any brilliant idea at the moment. Its been a while since i "merapu" here..There are many internet..laziness...but the most important reason is that i am bloody busy at the moment. Assignments, projects, presentations, kinda blew my mind away..Actually it is to be expected if you are an architecture student and nearing the last weeks of the end of may schedule is completely unbelievable but what can i must go on...sigh...hope its winter already..i wanna go away for a snowboarding trip and also go to Sydney..shit! i have been here for almost 4years and i still have not set foot in Sydney..that must be some weird record or think that i have been to Newcastle first...well more on that later..really i do not have anything to say at the moment..just pouring my crap to make it seems like i have not forgotten my little blog here..well i am hoping to post a better entry next time...maybe on some stuff like the Newcastle trip or something..have to get back to my tandoori chicken...the 2nd try for so long because i have been putting it off...aiyah..okeyla..meran out!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Nickelback Dark Horse Tour

Yeah!! here is another huge news for me and Nickelback fans in Australia. They are coming for the Dark Horse World Tour. Ticketek is hosting a waiting list for the announcement of the tour here down under. Cant wait!!!!!!! haha...i am really2 excited...ive been waiting for them to come to Aussie for 3years u know. Malaysia?? aiya small chancela..hehe..Really looking forward to my favorite band..=))

Design midsemester crit & 17 Again

Alhamdulillah i finished my midsemester crit last tuesday. It was quite good actually. I was kinda low on confidence going into the presentation with all the printers in uni !@#$ up..huhu....but all in all it was good.The guest crits liked our proposal. So more refinement is in the pipe to further develop our projects. Really kept my spirit high for design this semester.

Today i also went to watch the movie "17 Again". i really wanted to watch this movie becoz recently i was quite intrigued by efron's acting n singing in High School Musical 3. So just wanna check this guy out.heheh.. all i can say of the movie is that it was amazingly fun and entertaining story. As far as "body swap" movies go this is one of the best. If your interested in this kinda movie "It's a boy girl thing" is awesome as well. For 17 Again, its fast becoming one of my favorite movie in a while. Cant wait for axxo or fxg to rip it.heheh. Suprisingly Zac Efron is quite good in this movie. Safe to say that the quality of High School Musical franchise is holding him back. Keep making these good movies and the world is at your feet mate.=)

All and all this week is quite good.hehe. There is another interesting thing that happened but i have to make a post by itself because of the scale of my excitedness..hehe

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ayam Tandoori..yum2

This is my first try of cooking Tandoori Chicken..Yummy!!
I never knew that you have to put yoghurt as well when
you marinade the chicken..I'll try it again next time..hehe

Weird Bizarre Eccentric Dream

Yesterday my dream was very bizarre. I dream t that somehow the girl that i like for awhile(well quite along time aceli) and me were at her parents house. We were back from some kind of function or something. I was very much apart of their family. Well in the real world, Ive already met with the parents of my crush but under a very unique circumstances that is. Back to the dream, there i was with her..quite scared of the surrounding..confused aceli. N then her brother suddenly pop out of the house n saw us. He seems quite relaxed.i dont know why but i have this feeling that im doing something wrong..its not like we're doing maksiat or anything..huhu..its just the lingering feeling of uneasiness.. N then her parents came..again im scared shitless..but they were all very calm.."its like a weird scene in a muvie where the actor kinda thrusted into another body and he was freaking out but the people arround him just go like..are u nuts mate..ur fine" n then they kinda waited for me in a vehicle..i got ready n evrything n jumped in the car with them.My mind were racing with thoughts questions(why is this happening, how did i get here, when did this took place and all the shebang of the WH questions..funny how i still use critical thinking in my dreams^nerd alert^...the dream felt so real and i was totally immersed in it. It strangely felt that i was apart of their family. I dunno whether its a sign of things to come(yeah rite..) or just the devil playing a cruel joke on me. Like all bizarre dream, you wake up b4 u cn really comprehend wut happened to u..well thats the story of a totally bizarre but somewhat awkward n a bit of a pleasant dream..and im writing this using my htc touch pro on the bed at 3am..cuckooo...arghh i dont know why im still merapuing..nite

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Movies that made u cry..

Last night I watched the movie Marley & was a true shocker as i thought it would be like a romantic comedy or was a tearjerker movie for me...well i dont want to spoil it for anybody but it was truly an emotional and real movie..for me the actors had done a wonderful job..making the emotions and connections with such a realism...maybe this doesnt apply to all but this film really humanizes the relationship between the owners and marley beautifully...thats why i cant stop myself from bawling out at the end..huhu..this movie also kept me thinking the other movies that manages to connect with me and made me cry my ass off..hehe...These are some of the movies that made me connect "emotionally" or so to no particular order..

  • Remember the Titans
  • Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
  • Marley & me
  • What's eating gilbert's grape
  • Click
  • Bridge to Terabithia
  • Armageddon
  • The Notebook(this one was a very pleasant suprise..i watched not knowing what kind of movie it was..thought its one of those cheesy movies..such a beautiful love story..=) )

Well thats some of the ones that i can remember at the moment..but truly..this kind of beautiful moviemaking kept me looking for more..such a satisfying feeling when u finish a beautifully made film..the list that i gave is just for movies that is sad+make me meraung kind of movies..hehe.. Well then..have a gud day guys..=)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Konsert The Fray and Secondhand Serenade

Hari nh hari ahad...keje asian urbanism bertimbun..esok presentation for first project..12precedent kena buat...8 dh siap lg 4 kena buat..xmasuk design lg..huhu..despite all that ak still lg cari mase nk buat mende len..blogging nh pon klau kire bukan ak rajin skang at least its better than asian urbanism...haha..kat cni ak nk cite psl konsert The Fray and special guest Secondhand serenade...1st time ak dpt emel ttg konsert nh my heart jumped because its quite cheap(66aud) for two bands that i quite ak pon crla sape2 mmber yg sudi pi konsert nh ngn ak..rmai gak ar ak ajak sume tanak...isk3..sedey giler..siap ad org tuh cm marah ngn ak sbb ty byk kali..hahaha..rileks ye pasni ak xajak dh..konpem..=) b4 masuk konsert tuh plak ade bouncer dua ekor nh xbg ieka msuk sbb die xbwk paspot n dorg kate ic mesia ieka mcm sedey giler sbb xleh ikut ktorg msuk...ieka,mazlee n haidar pn sibukla call org utk gantikn ieka..tgh2 ktorg sibuk cr org tuh adela 2 org hamba Allah nh bg dua tiket free kt ktorg..dorg kn evict sbb pkai selipar jepun..lg kesian..satu tiket pn xsetel lg tetibe dpt plak lg 2tiket..huhu..ak pon xpuas hatila ngn bouncer ak cr bouncer yg len(rmai kt ctu) n ty die n explain kat die cmne ic malaysia berfungsi..pastu die pon terime..ak pergi berlari2 anak ke arah ieka n co utk bgtau yg lastly bleh masuk...ieka tersenyum riang smbil berterima kasih kt ak..member pnye hal no worries..yela ngn bouncer nh kn slow talk..explain slow2..kang kn tibai kn xpasal2..hahaha..itula kisah sblom msuk dlm Palace Theatre...

Berikut ialah beberapa gambar yg dirakamkan di konsert tersebut..ak suke sgt pegi konsert2 nh sbb live performance dorg mmg SUPERB...shows their real professionalism..practice makes perfect!! truly one of the best bang for bucks concert..=))))