Sunday, March 29, 2009

Konsert The Fray and Secondhand Serenade

Hari nh hari ahad...keje asian urbanism bertimbun..esok presentation for first project..12precedent kena buat...8 dh siap lg 4 kena buat..xmasuk design lg..huhu..despite all that ak still lg cari mase nk buat mende len..blogging nh pon klau kire bukan ak rajin skang at least its better than asian urbanism...haha..kat cni ak nk cite psl konsert The Fray and special guest Secondhand serenade...1st time ak dpt emel ttg konsert nh my heart jumped because its quite cheap(66aud) for two bands that i quite ak pon crla sape2 mmber yg sudi pi konsert nh ngn ak..rmai gak ar ak ajak sume tanak...isk3..sedey giler..siap ad org tuh cm marah ngn ak sbb ty byk kali..hahaha..rileks ye pasni ak xajak dh..konpem..=) b4 masuk konsert tuh plak ade bouncer dua ekor nh xbg ieka msuk sbb die xbwk paspot n dorg kate ic mesia ieka mcm sedey giler sbb xleh ikut ktorg msuk...ieka,mazlee n haidar pn sibukla call org utk gantikn ieka..tgh2 ktorg sibuk cr org tuh adela 2 org hamba Allah nh bg dua tiket free kt ktorg..dorg kn evict sbb pkai selipar jepun..lg kesian..satu tiket pn xsetel lg tetibe dpt plak lg 2tiket..huhu..ak pon xpuas hatila ngn bouncer ak cr bouncer yg len(rmai kt ctu) n ty die n explain kat die cmne ic malaysia berfungsi..pastu die pon terime..ak pergi berlari2 anak ke arah ieka n co utk bgtau yg lastly bleh masuk...ieka tersenyum riang smbil berterima kasih kt ak..member pnye hal no worries..yela ngn bouncer nh kn slow talk..explain slow2..kang kn tibai kn xpasal2..hahaha..itula kisah sblom msuk dlm Palace Theatre...

Berikut ialah beberapa gambar yg dirakamkan di konsert tersebut..ak suke sgt pegi konsert2 nh sbb live performance dorg mmg SUPERB...shows their real professionalism..practice makes perfect!! truly one of the best bang for bucks concert..=))))

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