Monday, January 5, 2009

Ahhhh Tomorrow I'll be working again

Tomorrow will be the 1st day I'm starting working again at my summer casual workplace Folioworks Pty..Have to get up very early tomorrow..Malasnyeeeee...but when I think about the KA-CHINNNGGGSS that follows I'm motivated and ready to go..haha..Keyh I'm off to sleep now..mmmuahhh..xoxo Meran..=P

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Janda yang dahaga

Disini saya ingin menceritakan sebuah kisah mengenai seorang janda yang baru sahaja kematian suami.... Hasnah seorang janda kaya yang baru sahaja kematian suaminya akibat kemalangan jalanraya. Beliau masih muda lagi dan mempunyai potongan badan yang cantik.

Sejak kematian suaminya, beliau sentiasa diusik oleh jejaka-jejaka kampung yang sudah lama memendam rasa kepadanya. Namun begitu, Hasnah tidak pernah melayan karenah pemuda-pemuda kampung tersebut, kerana hatinya masih lagi merindui arwah suaminya... Walaupun.... hatinya berasa sepi ketika waktu ini. Lebih-lebih lagi di waktu malam... Rasa sepi hatinya tiada siapa yang tahu...

Pada satu malam, kira-kira pukul 2 pagi.... beliau bangun dari katilnya... badannya terasa panas.... tekaknya terasa haus.... beliau terasa begitu dahaga sekali. Beliau bangun dan keluar dari bilik menuju ke dapur,... sampai saja didapur... beliau terus membuka peti ais dan mengambil sebotol air sejuk.... beliau tuang kedalam cawan dan meminumya... Setelah meminum air tersebut.. beliau kembali kedalam bilik dan tidur semula... Sekian... Terima Kasih Itulah kisah seorang janda yang dahaga...........

Wah, sepenuh hati korang mambaca nyer. Ha...haa...haaa....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm getting myself a scooter!!

Salam...I cant believe myself that I will be getting my own scooter..Never dreamt myself being a Mat Scoot..=p..My mom wont approve..hehe.. It all started when Rusman asked me to help him find a buyer for his "Rempit" scooter for 1000aud..huhu..Well suddenly it got me thinking why not I myself bought the crotch rocket. So I told Rusmang-kun that might as well "push" the scoot to me..not in the literal sense that is..=p..

After thorough negotiation concerning all the registrations, road worthiness,legal loopholes and sophisticated bargaining system, a memorendum of understanding was signed for the sale of the scooter. Let me walk you through the mind boogling process with the real dialogue.

Aku :Weh betul ke ko nk tolak scooter ko?
Rusmang : Haah. 1000aud kot
Aku : Jual kat aku jela. Murah sket ar eh
Rusmang: Bape ko nak?
Aku : 800 sudeyh
Rusmang: Okla member pnyer pasal. No hal.

Pergghhhhh...cant u guys compherend the whole complexity of the process..hahaha..Oh I also have to mention the funds provided by The Royal Loan Shark Bank of Mazlee...It will help me to pay for the scoot..hehe...Well the bottom thing is I am getting myself a ride here in Melbourne..Owh suddenly I remembered my bicycle that was chained to College Square Lygon..Its been 3 years..Good luck my bike..mmuahh..=)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Amazing day!! is quite an ordinary day..Sorry for the false lead up with the title..=p..Woke up quite late..hehe..Had a wonderful dream if u know what i mean..hahahaha..Well today is Friday so we, the resident of Colours 528 went on our journey to perform our Friday mass prayer. My friend Rusman asked me earlier where the prayer is performed because its holiday and the uni is closed. Confidently I told him " Ala dekat ngan jail tuh"..But when I reached the uni I met Rusman who was looking lost and teary eyed.. Like a lost child looking for his parents..Ok that's a tad of exaggeration..hehe..To my surprise, it was held at the square of Melbourne Gaol..huhu...It was nice.. Performing prayer under the lovely weather..=)

One more thing..I met with my friend Azman or fondly known as Teman when we were hearing the Khutbah. Its been a while since I met him. Theres alot of things I want to chat with him. I heard that he was hired by Siemens Australia and will be undergoing their training program for new engineers...Huhu..But I have to refrain myself from talking becoz of the khutbah...Sadly, after the prayer, I looked around for Teman but I cant find him anywhere..Maybe he was busy..huhu..Until next time mate..

Anyway after that we (Me, Rusman, Mazlee, Umar, Akmal & Asyraf) went to Esteler to eat some Indonesian food. I wanted to treat Rusman because he is the one responsible for procuring my job at Folioworks..hehe..Like Joe Tahir said..KA-CHINGGG....hehehehe..

At Esteler, I met a new friend, Zeffy. She was Rusman and Mazlee's friend..If Im not mistaken studying at Vietnam University...Yeah thats it..hehe..Okok its actually the very prestigious Victoria University. We all talk alot at Esteler..A LOT...the pakcik esteler kept coming upstairs to clean up and he must be tired of looking at us from 2pm to 5pm..haha..But its good fun!!

I really wanna write more stuff but in all honesty Im getting Ill sign off here..


What i got for myself =))

Hye fellas..Sorry for the sudden burst of posts..hehe..still having the first time bloggers rush..=p..Well today also I have the inspiration to pick up my Konica Minolta A100 to take some pictures..My cam was full of dusts when i pick it up from underneath the bed..hehe..really shows my enthusiam and all..started by dusting all the shit off it..playing with sum settings and im off..i wont comment on my photos becoz i know it sucked big time..hehe..need to brush up my skills and create sumthin interesting in the it goes..some of my splurges over the festive period..hehe...shitt jpa allowance is only due at the end of this bjimatla...wasalam

p/s : whats up with the hehe & the huhu's in my posts..huhu..oppss there i go again...bear with me peeps..=p

Kasut pak arab bak kate Suffian...hehehe

Coldplay Viva la Vida World Tour 2009

Yeah!! I am going to their concert this March. I would like to thank Qilah for helping Mazlee and me procure the tickets. Cant wait!!! hehe

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year celebration at Fed Square

Last nite I went out to celebrate the New Year at Federation Square with Akmal, Mazlee & Asyraf. We went out quite late actually because Mazlee & me were having dinner first as we were starving due to going out shopping from 10am in the morning..huhu..more on that later if ever..hehe. Well moving on to the new year celebration, fyi this is my first new year celebration in Melbourne. Here are a couple of pics of the night.

The fireworks

The sea of people in front of Flinders St Station

Akmal, Mazlee & Asyraf

Me in the crowd

Ngah lompat2 kot..hehe

Well I like to wish to everyone

"Happy New Year 2009 !!! "

The Year 2009

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Happy New Year to everyone..=))..Most of u must be wondering the sudden move for me to blog. Well what better way to start the new year with something new aye..hehe..One of my new year resolutions is to start blogging. Hopefully it can inspire me, others or just stuff for me to blab over the net. Hell, i even dont have a clear thing to write now..All and all i just want to wish everybody a Happy and Prosperous 2009. A whole new year to look forward to. May we all be the best we can be.InsyaAllah..=)